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Global Delivery Model

Service Delivery Model & Global Delivery Model - GDM Tools
At Symbyo, the practice project management philosophy is bolstered by the use of robust tools. These tools help us to keep the largest and most complex projects well on track. At the heart of our Project Management toolset are the Project Management (PM) tool and the Process database. A range of general purpose and specialized tools are integrated into these systems, to help us automate a plethora of tasks. These tools help us control your project, avoiding defects and slippages and helping us to be more nimble.

  • Tools that monitor projects to track defects and benchmark them against estimates;
  • Tools for scoping, requirements gathering and impact analysis;
  • Tools to monitor efforts, schedule adherence and slippages;
  • Process assets systems and tools to efficiently store and manage project documents and data;
  • Specialized tools to track individual service projects like application maintenance;
  • Tools to monitor automatic scheduling of audits based on detailed guidelines, followed by tracking of audit results, non-conformance reports, and corrective actions;
  • Tools to automate the workflow for senior management reviews, in line with engagement schedules and plans;
At Symbyo we are fanatical about delivering Quality to your enterprise in every aspect of our engagement. See more about what Symbyo Quality means to you within the Global Delivery Model (GDM).

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