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Knowledge Management Framework - Knowledge Management Service
Beyond all the technology-driven hype lies the greatest untapped resource of the last two decades - Knowledge. With the increasing growth of interest in knowledge management services, many different knowledge management frameworks have been produced. These frameworks grow on the reputation of the organizations that have created them, and the depths of experience they offer.

Knowledge Management is a means of creating, storing, accessing and reusing knowledge to accomplish organization goals. Symbyo works with you to build the appropriate knowledge management frameworks and processes, as well as identify technology solutions for establishing sound Knowledge Management processes and systems.

Symbyo provides end-to-end workforce collaboration and knowledge management services including Knowledge Management Process Consulting, Collaboration and Knowledge Management Applications, Portals, Content Management, Document Management, Enterprise Application Integration, Security and Workflow. Our Knowledge Management Services can help you assess your needs, evaluate technologies and recommend best-fit solutions in the context of your business problems.

Within a relationship, knowledge management processes operate at three levels:

Project Level:
Teams have a project management coordinator for each project, and specific knowledge management related goals within projects. Periodic project reviews cover project management as well.

Account Level:
Every Symbyo account has a knowledge management roadmap drawn out for it. Teams within accounts draw heavily on the Symbyo Knowledge management systems. Knowledge sharing is strengthened by a range of methods such as orientation training programs, online discussion boards and collaborative environments within projects. Also, a number of presentations and seminars foster knowledge sharing within client- and Symbyo teams in an account.

Organization Level:
At Symbyo we host K-Bank, an organization-wide Knowledge Repository portal, on our intranet. An organization-wide knowledge sharing and management ethos has ensured that our teams have constant access to best practices and the collected learning from working with the world's best organizations.

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